Age: Unknown Height: Unknown Weapon: Magic (Sorcery) (No square description) Up until the end of Disc 2, Edea is the main villain of Final Fantasy 8. During a flashback sequence where Irvine reminds the others of their past, you find out Sorceress Edea is Edea Kramer, Headmaster Cid's wife. She was also the owner of the orphanage where a majority of the characters grew up, and known as Matron to them. You find out in the course of the game that Edea has been possessed by Sorceress Ultimicia, and has been used as a puppet all this time. Edea has two forms, that of 'Sorceress Edea' and that of 'Edea Kramer'. Sorceress Edea, as shown in the pictures on the right, looks the perfect part of the witch with a ghoulish appearance and citrine eyes. Edea Kramer is a less imposing figure, a tall woman with long black hair and brown (maybe black?) eyes. Quotes
"A SeeD, grown in a rundown Garden" |